A Dude,
In a Room,
With a Beard.

:: Let's figure out some life stuff. ::

Sometimes life stuff comes up, and it'd be great to have a place to figure it out.

Sometimes you want to talk about important things with someone besides your significant other, friends, or parents.

Sometimes you just want to work out some ideas, get some feedback, and have peace of mind that no one else will know your business.

This is a place to do it.

What are some things people work on?

I've been helping people figure out life stuff for a long time. You name it, I've probably helped someone with it. Here a few examples of topics that people come in with:

  • Problems in relationships (with wives, husbands, kids, friends, parents, bosses, etc.)
  • Problems at work or school
  • Problems with low self confidence / esteem
  • Problems with making friends, or getting a second date
  • Problems with figuring out what to do next in life
  • Problems understanding the world at-large

Looking for more information about me, or the services I provide?

I've lived and in the Hudson Valley for quite a while now and I've worked with people in all kinds of ways. For about the last 10 years I've been a mental health counselor, licensed by the state to help people with a wide variety of challenges.

d20 Therapy

I also run gaming group therapy sessions. These essentially combine Tabletop RPGs (Games like Dungeons and Dragons) with mental health support for a very unique expereince for all. For more information about this you can check out d20Therapy.com . Come level up your life!

Contact Info

    If you'd like to contact me about potentially working together, I can be reached by:

    Phone: (845)-332-9500
    E-Mail: ReisnerM@gmail.com

    Office Address:
    Mike Reisner, LMHC
    243 Main St., Ste. #260
    New Paltz, NY 12561

    In the event of an emergency, please contact 911, or present to the nearest emergency room directly.